Predator 2018 dvd rip (Dual Audio)


Predator ship crash-lands on Earth. Army Ranger sniper Quinn McKenna and his team are attacked by the Predator on a hostage retrieval mission. McKenna discovers the Predator's armor from the ship's remains and sends it back home to the house of his ex-wife Emily and his autistic son Rory. Government agent Will Traeger arrives at the scene and captures the Predator to bring back to the lab for experimentation and observation.
Casey Bracket, an evolutionary biologist, is also recruited by Traeger to study the heavily sedated Predator. However, the Predator awakes and kills the lab workers, but spares Bracket, who escapes and gives chase.
Rory, bullied at school, is anxious for Halloween and does not want to dress up, in fear of his tormentors still recognizing him. He finds the Predator armor, delivered to the house, and puts it on, choosing to go out trick-or-treating while wearing it. McKenna is placed in a group of other government captives, including ex-Marine Gaylord "Nebraska" Williams, military veterans Coyle and Baxley, helicopter pilot Nettles, and another ex-Marine, Lynch. After escaping, they head to Emily's house, where she informs them that Rory is gone.
Rory accidentally kills a man with the Predator armor and blows up his house, causing chaos in the neighborhood. He heads to his school football field, the only place he feels is safe. However, after arriving, he is ambushed by Predator Dogs, who are quickly dispatched by McKenna, Nebraska, Bracket, and the others. After heading inside the school to safety, McKenna, Bracket, and Rory are attacked by the Predator, and give him the armor Rory had been wearing. However, the Predator is pulled out of a window by another larger Predator, who proceeds to kill his subordinate. They find human bodily fluid in the Predator's blood and conclude that they are attempting to hybridize their own race with that of other planets' inhabitants.

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